My Experience Using Github Copilot for 2 months

You might already know about Github, it’s like an online folder where you can store your data/project on that site, and they have many services/features that you might not know.
let’s make it short, we are going to focus on GitHub Pilot, is it good or not? I can’t simply answer yes and no, rather I will share my opinion. As for me, it’s actually worth it “eventually”.
It's been a while since I wrote and publish my post on this website (Some of my post still in progress), and happy new year 2023 for everyone, I can't believe we can made it from hellish 2020 - 2022 where covid slow down our process and make dificult year (for me). Well, at the second day of this year I got a chance to bought Macbook Air M2, and it was amazing, I will share about it on my other post.
By the way, I’m using visual code as my primary IDE, and connecting it with the Copilot.
As for the code that I test is PHP, CSS, and JavaScript; Well, as WordPress Developer I mainly work in PHP <PS: I currently shifting to JavaScript Stack, you can always help me to fasten the process by hiring me ? #jk >.
Is GitHub Copilot really use AI to suggest the code?
I’ve been using this copilot for about 2 months, and I can say the AI is not what you might think, it will generate and suggest the code yes, but it’s like you scroll down on StackOverflow and you copy-paste the code on yours.
This is saving time, but sometimes it makes the unnecessary code. The best thing is when you create the comment first about the code you want, and then the AI will improve its result, here for an example:

if you write the code and waiting the result you will get pre-code it’s almost like autocompletion on IDE you can see it anywhere.
But, if you create the comment with the exact thing you want to build, you will get the complete code like the above.
Can I use it for a real Project?
Yes, you should try this on the real code, because you will see the beauty and how it makes us easier to write the code. It’s more powerful if we write code in the project folder.
They sometimes can guess correctly where I save or store my static file. And you will see how it can implement the code from our own class to another place where I intend to add there.
Is it good for newcomers who are starting to learn the code?
No, I don’t recommend a coder-starter to use it while you still learn about programming, the fact that it is easier for you to create the app will dull your way of thinking about how to solve the problem/logic.
I didn’t say you need a master’s level and then you can use it, but you need to pass the basics and have one or two years of experience first before you can use it. As long you have the mind of the programming logic, you can go anywhere and use any software autocomplete~code AI you would like.
I don’t want to waste my time, yay or nay?
For me, it’s yay, I have a skill set and experience, so, this copilot really helps me while I’m in lazy mode ( But, I can still manage to correct the copilot when it’s wrong).
I encourage everyone to have this one, there are some tips that make your experience using Copilot make easier.
I understand you don’t want to waste the money in order to test it, me too
They currently have a free trial for 60 days, you can test it on your IDE, and decide for yourself if it is worth it or not.
In the end, Github Copilot is just like any other tools, wheter you can fully use it so you can improve the code and time, or blindly insert other’s code from stackoverflow.